Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ass. #3 - Brainstorming on Research Paper Topics

In picking out what research paper to write about I felt that I would like to do Idea #2 - Science and Technology: Promise and Peril. I like to write about and find information on the pros and cons of important topics among us today and that affect our future. Of course doing this you cannot have a bias mind. You must be openminded to both sides of technology, the bad and the good. The one topic I was leading towards the most was the promise of Artificial Intelligence vs the danger/problems for loss of labor. This is a very interesting topic to talk about and research more.

The second idea was Idea # 4 - Popular Science: Bridging the Two Cultures. I thought about doing this research paper because I feel that the world isn't two sided and that there is a common ground between the humanities and sciences. To get an idea about how people think that they are or not somewhat related would be cool to read upon.

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